Remote Working Training Videos

(3 Ratings)

This course has important knowledge and skills required for remote working. To work more effectively from home, start your training today, it's easy!

Course Introduction

Just because you work from home you still need to work safely and in a professional manner. In this section, we discuss how the course works and what you need to do to complete the course and gain your qualification certificate. The course is divided into sections and you complete these in order and then there is a summary video before you take your test. Once passed you can download your completion certificate, Evidenced-based Learning statement and Certified CPD statement.

Computers and Display Screens

When working at home you need to set up your computer and displays to the optimum position to avoid you getting injuries, just the same as if you were at work. Where you work is also important as working on a sofa with a laptop can cause painful injuries that are hard to treat. This section looks at the position of your computer and ensuring that the keyboard and displays are in the best position. It also looks at mobile device safety.


In the communication section, we look at communicating over the internet and back with your office to keep in touch with them and your colleagues. Remote working can cause employees and employers to feel they are on their own or the team is not working as it used to. We look at improving your communication skills and what resources you need to keep in touch.

Keeping Data Secure

In this section, we look at different threats and actions you can take to keep yourself safe while online. Personal data loss can cost you a lot of money and stress as someone takes your identity, takes over your social media and they could even access your bank account or buy items using your credit card. We also look at different ways you can keep safe while online and ways that your data security can be threatened. It is important to use the internet safely with hard to break passwords. There are many different ways someone can access your data and hack your accounts.

Mental Health and Stress

When working at home, usually alone, your mental health is very important. In this section we briefly look at mental health and how you could be affected and what you can do to identify it and reduce your risks.

A definition of stress is “The negative effects of life pressure and events” or another definition quoted by the HSE is “Work-related stress develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them”.

Stress is linked with depression and anxiety, and you may not realise you are suffering from it. When you link these three together, they were linked with about 35-40% of work-related illnesses and this level has stayed at this level for many years until the effects of the pandemic put more pressure on employees and businesses. In 2019/20 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 51% of all work-related ill health cases and 55% of all working days lost due to work-related ill health. This makes it a big problem for employers and employees.

Training Online and Virtually

Just because you are working at home you still need to keep up to date with training. It may be that the courses you take may be different, such as this home working course, but they are still important. We look at taking courses at home and look at online training courses and webinars.

Video Meetings

Video meetings have been around for a long time but since the Coronavirus pandemic, they are even more common between your office and customers. Video meetings are now acceptable to have at home or office. In this section, we look at video meetings and how to set up your lighting and background better to look professional and have effective meetings.

Teams, Tasks and Time Management

Effective time management is essential in everyone's job as time is wasted and you become less efficient. Poor time management also makes your working life harder and less enjoyable. In this section, we look at some ideas that you can implement to improve how you manage your working day and not at the expense of your personal life. Good time management goes hand in hand with a good home and work-life balance.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety is not just something that you have to adhere to at work but when you are home working you still need to comply with Health and Safety rules and keep yourself safe. In this section, we look at the basics of Health and Safety to keep yourself safe while working at home.

Working While Travelling

In this section, we look at the special needs when working while travelling. Keeping safe and effective are easy skills to learn and we also look at staying connected to the internet by tethering your mobile phone and using public Wi-Fi.

Course Summary

In the summary section, we tell you how to take your test and access your certificate if you pass the test. You can review any video before you take your test if you want to refresh your knowledge. You can take the test as many times as you need to and we use an adaptive testing system so no two people get the same test in the same order. You must pass every section but if you are close to passing a section, our system will ask a few more to give you a chance of passing.

If you need any other training whether video online, blended, classroom or virtual please contact us and we will be happy to help you wherever you are and we can attend your workplace.

Course Summary

Course Summary


Course Details

Video Playtime

3 hours and 33 minutes




Keith Sleightholm



Remote Working at a Glance

  • Learn about computers and display screens to work more effectively
  • Communication with the office and colleagues
  • Keeping Data Secure while working at home or remotely
  • Managing your Mental Health and Stress
  • Training Online and Virtually
  • VHolding successful video meetings
  • Teams, Tasks and Time Management
  • Health and Safety at work
  • Lone Working
  • Working While Travelling

Ready to get started?

Remote Working

3 hours and 33 minutes
£24.95 + VAT