Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

Course Content

Following company policies

Video 4 of 68
1 min 28 sec
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Guidelines for Working Remotely

Understanding Company Policies

When working remotely, it's crucial to adhere to your company's policies, just as you would in the office environment.

Remote Work Policy

Review specific policies that outline expectations for remote work, including requirements related to your home address.

  • Data Security: Understand restrictions on working from locations other than your designated home address.
  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with policies tailored for remote work scenarios.

General Company Policies

Refer to your employer handbook for comprehensive guidelines adapted to accommodate remote working conditions.

  • Leave Requests: Follow procedures for requesting time off or adjustments, maintaining compliance with company rules.
  • Health and Safety: Adhere to regulations concerning health, manual handling, DSE (Display Screen Equipment), and fire safety, applicable both in-office and at home.


Whether in the office or working remotely, it's essential to uphold your company's policies and procedures to ensure a safe and compliant work environment.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Remote Working LO 1.4.4