Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

Course Content

Resources needed to work remotely

Video 19 of 68
2 min 19 sec
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Effective Resource Management for Remote Tasks

Understanding Your Task Requirements

When working remotely, it's crucial to assess and gather the necessary resources for each task you undertake.

1. Identifying Task Types

Tasks can vary from individual projects to roles like customer support, sales, or accounts. Ensure you understand the specific requirements of your role.

2. Essential Resources for Remote Work

Consider the essential resources needed to perform your tasks effectively:

  • Computing Power: Ensure your computer meets the technical requirements for tasks such as design work or software use.
  • External Devices: Utilise data drives, design systems, track pads, printers for documents, scanning, and other necessary peripherals.
  • Reference Materials: Whether from physical books, manuals, or digital sources like PDFs, gather all relevant materials needed for research and reference.

3. Organising Your Workspace

Organisation is key to maintaining efficiency:

  • Physical Resources: Keep physical materials neatly arranged on your desk or in designated storage areas.
  • Digital Resources: File digital documents systematically in folders on your computer, using clear naming conventions or colour coding for easy access.
  • Project-specific Setup: Create dedicated folders or files named after specific projects, ensuring all related documents and resources are stored together.

4. Seeking Guidance and Collaboration

If uncertain about resource requirements, consult with your manager or team members:

  • Team Collaboration: Engage in team discussions or meetings to learn from others' approaches and share ideas for effective task completion.

By effectively managing and organising your resources, you can enhance productivity and ensure seamless task execution while working remotely.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Remote Working LO 1.1.3