Staying connected
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Staying Connected While Working Remotely
Importance of Staying Connected
Working remotely can sometimes feel isolating, making it crucial to stay connected with your team.
1. Ensuring Physical Connectivity
Ensure you have reliable access to:
- Internet and Wi-Fi: Address potential issues like Wi-Fi downtime by having backup solutions such as mobile data.
- Telecommunications: Maintain access to telephones for seamless communication.
2. Maintaining Team Connectivity
Stay engaged with your team through various methods:
- Virtual Meetings: Participate in regular meetings to stay informed and connected with team activities.
- Utilize Chat Systems: Stay connected through in-house chat systems to interact and share updates.
- Video Calls: Opt for video calls over phone calls for more interactive communication.
- Integration in Team Activities: Actively participate in team discussions and activities to foster a sense of belonging.
Even if you work remotely full-time, maintaining these connections ensures you remain integrated and informed within your team.
Learning Outcomes:
- Remote Working LO 1.2.2