Working safely remotely
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Workplace Safety When Working Remotely
Importance of Workplace Safety
Whether working remotely or from home, prioritising workplace safety is essential:
1. Health and Safety Considerations
Adhere to health and safety guidelines as you would in an office environment:
- Risk Assessment: Conduct a mini risk assessment at your home workspace, addressing potential hazards like fire safety.
- Fire Safety: Ensure you have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers accessible.
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE): Verify your workstation setup to promote good posture and reduce ergonomic risks.
- Manual Handling: Safely manage any physical tasks, avoiding trip hazards like cables.
2. Specific Home Workspace Considerations
Adjust your home workspace to accommodate necessary equipment:
- Electrical Safety: Ensure adequate power sockets and manage cables to prevent trip hazards.
- Surge Protection: Use surge-protected extension leads or power strips to safeguard electronic devices from power surges.
By addressing these safety considerations, you can create a safe and productive working environment at home.