Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

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Working from a car

Video 65 of 68
5 min 12 sec
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Working from Your Car: Tips and Considerations

1. Safety First

Working stationary, not driving: Ensure safety by avoiding tasks like dialling or using computers while driving.

Parking and equipment safety: Park in safe locations for meetings, secure equipment, and consider your background.

2. Internet Connectivity

Public WiFi: Use nearby hotspots cautiously; assess signal strength and security.

Personal hotspot: Consider using your mobile's hotspot for a reliable connection.

3. Environmental Considerations

Temperature and noise: Manage car temperature and background noise for comfortable meetings.

Power solutions: Use portable battery packs for charging laptops and devices on the go.

4. Equipment and Setup

Essential gear: Laptop, backup power, and mobile phone for reliable communication and work setup.

Remote work setup: Utilise secure internet connections (VPN), multiple screens (e.g., laptop and iPad), and efficient power management.

5. Balancing Work and Rest

Work-life balance: Ensure you take breaks during travels to avoid fatigue and maintain productivity.

Remember, while working remotely or from your car can maximise your work time, it's crucial to maintain safety, connectivity, and balance for optimal productivity.