Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

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Computers and working remotely

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Choosing the Right Computer for Remote Work

Deciding on the Type of Computer

If you are working from home or remotely, it is important to choose the right type of computer. You might already have a standard office computer, a larger work-supplied one, or one you own at home. This could be a desktop computer with a single or dual screen setup. However, laptops are also a popular choice, offering flexibility depending on your workload.

Desktop Computers

For extensive home use, a desktop computer might be more suitable as it generally offers more memory, features, and expandability options. Desktops can make your work more efficient and provide a stable setup for long-term use.


Laptops provide portability and ease of use. Both Windows laptops and MacBooks are excellent choices. MacBooks offer the additional advantage of using an iPad as a second display, creating a dual-screen setup wirelessly. However, ensure that your posture and ergonomics are correct when using a laptop for extended periods. Using an external keyboard can help improve comfort and reduce strain.


Tablets like iPads can be a great option for remote work or client visits. They are lightweight and easy to carry, and you can use either the on-screen keyboard or an external one. Tablets can also be linked to external screens for better visibility and collaboration during meetings.

Mobile Phones

While mobile phones can handle many tasks such as emails, internet browsing, and document editing, they are not ideal for long-term use due to their small size. However, pairing a mobile phone with an external keyboard can make it more functional for short tasks.

Setting Up Your Workspace

When setting up your home workspace, consider how you will use your computer and what you need it to do. Your choice might be influenced by what your employer provides, but aim for a setup that promotes comfort and productivity. A desktop computer with a wide screen is ideal for a dedicated home office desk.


Choosing the right computer for remote work involves considering your specific needs and work habits. Whether you opt for a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone, ensure that your setup is comfortable and efficient for your tasks. Think about your workspace and how best to integrate your chosen device to maximise productivity.