Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

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How can you keep training and working at home

Video 43 of 68
2 min 16 sec
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Remote Training Opportunities: Enhance Your Skills from Home

Exploring Training Options While Working from Home

Even when working remotely, continuing education through training courses remains essential. Here’s how you can pursue training opportunities:

1. Online E-Learning Courses

Many courses are now available online, offering flexibility and convenience:

  • Video E-Learning: Participate in courses similar to this format, allowing self-paced learning.
  • Blended Learning: Combine online modules with practical sessions to apply knowledge effectively.

2. Virtual Training

Join virtual training sessions conducted via Zoom or Teams:

  • Interactive Sessions: Engage in real-time with instructors and peers through exercises and discussions.
  • Group Activities: Collaborate in group exercises and discussions facilitated by the instructor.

3. Hybrid Training

Participate in hybrid training, blending in-person and virtual attendance:

  • Flexibility: Attend sessions either in the classroom or remotely, ensuring inclusivity for all participants.

4. Other Training Methods

Explore additional training avenues to suit your learning style:

  • Webinars: Stay updated with industry trends and knowledge sharing through live webinars.
  • Research and Reading: Enhance knowledge through self-study, forums, and relevant literature.

Working from home should not hinder your professional development. Embrace these diverse training methods to continue learning effectively and conveniently.