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Solving problems during online communications

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Troubleshooting and Setting Up Video Meetings


When setting up a video meeting, it is essential to ensure everything is functioning correctly. This guide provides troubleshooting tips for common issues you might encounter, particularly with Zoom, but applicable to other platforms as well.

Checking Power and Connections

Power Issues

Firstly, ensure your computer is powered on. If the screen is lit, the power is likely fine. For those using additional monitors, confirm they are also powered on and properly connected.

Internet Speed

To check your internet speed, search for "What's my internet speed?" on Google or any search engine. Numerous tools will measure your upload and download speeds. Compare these results to the speed promised by your internet provider. If there is a discrepancy, contact your provider for assistance.

Addressing Internet Connection Issues

Poor Connection Notifications

If you receive a "poor internet connection" message during a meeting, consider turning off your video to improve audio quality. Ensure all cables are secure if you are using a wired connection. For mobile devices, verify that you are not in aeroplane mode and that you have a stable 4G or 5G connection.

Resolving Audio and Video Problems

Audio Issues

The most common audio issue is being on mute. Check your mute status, typically located in the bottom left corner of Zoom. Ensure your microphone is not muted if others cannot hear you.

Video Issues

If your camera is not displaying correctly, check that it is turned on. If you are using an external camera, ensure it is selected in the settings. This also applies to external microphones or sound systems—verify that the correct device is chosen in your settings.

General Troubleshooting Tips

Identify the Problem

When encountering issues, take a moment to think through the problem logically. Consider what has changed and whether everything worked previously. This approach can help you identify and resolve issues more efficiently.

Stay Calm

It is easy to become panicked when something goes wrong, but remaining calm and methodically checking each potential issue can lead to a quick resolution. Ensure all settings are correct and double-check connections before seeking further help.


By following these troubleshooting steps, you can resolve most common issues with video meetings quickly and efficiently. Proper setup and regular checks will ensure smooth and professional video conferencing experiences.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 3 LO 9.4